
Register for your investment

Invest in the Future of Building Materials with Murray Industrial Hemp.

30 investment slots available.

How to get started –
1️⃣ Register in the Digital Form on this page.
2️⃣ Review the Investment Memorandum, then complete the Application.
3️⃣ We’ll contact you to answer questions and guide you through the final steps. 

Murray Industrial Hemp

Information for Interested Investors

Murray Industrial Hemp Building Materials, a unique and strategic economic initiative, is poised to bring significant benefits to the Barham community.

There is a growing need to adopt environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient practices in the broader economic landscape, particularly in the housing and irrigated agriculture sectors.

This investment opportunity will help establish a vertically integrated hemp building product supply chain in Barham.

With their unique properties, hempcrete offers a readily usable, cost-effective alternative to traditional bricks and other building materials. Moreover, they significantly contribute to positive environmental outcomes.

By investing in establishing a processing plant in Barham, the Murray Industrial Hemp Project will deliver a manufactured high-performing internal and external wall material to the construction industry while delivering favourable outcomes for the local community.

These are the first steps to delivering positive agricultural, industrial, economic, employment and environmental outcomes for the Barham-Koondrook region.

Please Register to receive the Investment Memorandum. 
Please fill out the Digital Form on this page or

“The Murray Industrial Hemp Project is a multi-tiered model that aims to produce a high-value, intensely grown niche crop that delivers fibre for the manufacture of hemp-based building materials while comparably using less water and less land to achieve these goals.

It’s a most innovative project managed by ’early adopters’ who are bringing together co-operatives to develop better economic outcomes for the Barham-Koondrook region.

At Regional Development Australia, we have found that these niche crop projects tend to deliver favourable local social, service, place-based, industrial and economic outcomes.

The Murray Industrial Hemp Project is very exciting and entrepreneurial. In terms of the RDA objectives, it ticks all the boxes.” 

Edwina Hayes
Director Regional Development and CEO
RDA Murray

“This is more than just a manufacturing project; it’s about revitalising the Barham region. Hemp offers a lucrative rotational crop for farmers, uses significantly less water than traditional crops, and opens the door to a whole new industry.

Murray Industrial Hemp is set to manufacture hemp-based blocks and panels, offering a superior alternative to conventional building materials due to their carbon-storing properties, energy efficiency, superior thermal and acoustic insulation and minimal environmental footprint.

We believe hemp holds the key to transforming how Australia builds.

Our goal is to assist mainstream builders integrate hemp products into their standard processes. The building process doesn’t change with hemp blocks and hemp panels.

With the support of the Barham community, Murray Industrial Hemp is ready to start manufacturing Australian-made hemp blocks within two years.” 

Joe D’Alo
Energy-Efficient Building Practitioner and Owner of The Hemp Building Company
Key Partner in the Murray Industrial Hemp Project

Cropping Hemp - Murray Industrial Hemp

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Hemp Block - Murray Industrial Hemp

end to end ethical investment

summer crop rotation

sustainable industry

better building materials

community enterprise

innovative agriculture

Trial Crop - Murray Industrial Hemp
Murray Industrial Hemp - Joe D'Alo
Dried Hemp Hurd - Murray Industrial Hemp
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