
Murray Industrial Hemp

Information for Interested Investors

Murray Industrial Hemp Building Materials, a unique and strategic economic initiative, is poised to bring significant benefits to the Barham community.

There is a growing need to adopt environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient practices in the broader economic landscape, particularly in the housing and irrigated agriculture sectors.

This investment opportunity will help establish a vertically integrated hempcrete block supply chain in Barham.

With their unique properties, hempcrete blocks offer a readily usable, cost-effective alternative to traditional bricks. Moreover, they significantly contribute to positive environmental outcomes.

By investing in establishing a processing plant in Barham, the Murray Industrial Hemp Project will deliver a manufactured high-performing internal and external wall material to the construction industry while delivering favourable outcomes for the local community.

These are the first steps to delivering positive agricultural, industrial, economic, employment and environmental outcomes for the Barham-Koondrook region.

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Hemp Building Blocks - Murray Industrial Hemp
Murray Industrial Hemp

end to end ethical investment

summer crop rotation

sustainable industry

better building blocks

community enterprise


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